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  Illinois FFA Alumni: Scholarship Winners, Annual Meeting & Auction, Chapter Baskets  
  Mindy Bunselmeyer  11/25/2019 12:32:00 PM  

1.) Alumni Annual Meeting Registration Information 

The Illinois FFA Alumni Annual Meeting will be held January 31-February 1, 2020 at the President Abraham Lincoln Hotel, Springfield, Illinois.  We do have a room block under the IL FFA Alumni, and the cost is $99 plus tax.  The room block will close on January 10, 2020  

All of the annual meeting and auction information is located at this link, and please watch the Alumni Facebook Page for more details.

Please register online for the Alumni Annual Meeting:

Full Conference Registration - $125 (Increases to $140 on January 10, 2020) - Includes Friday Night's Dinner & Saturday's Lunch
Additional Cost for Saturday's Breakfast - $10 Per Person (For Full Conference Registrations)
Friday Night Only Registration - $55 
Saturday Breakfast & Lunch Only - $70
Saturday Lunch Only - $40 
FFA Advisors may bring FFA Members for Friday Night's Program & Saturday's Lunch - $95 per student.

Tentative Agenda - Friday, January 31st:

Noon - Check-In Auction Items
4:00 - Registration Opens
5:30 - Silent Auction Opens & Mystery Boxes ($25)
6:00 - Dinner & Awards
7:30 - Live Auction - (Chapter Baskets)

Saturday, February 1st:

7:00 - Registration 
7:30 - Breakfast Buffet (Optional)
8:30 - 9:30 - District Caucuses
9:40 - 11:00 - Business Meeting
11:00 - Workshops
Noon - Lunch, Adjourn after Lunch

2.  Auction

The Alumni Auction will be held on Friday Night.  Everyone is welcome to attend! Proceeds from the auction are what funds 212, WLC, and Camp Scholarships.

If you would like to donate auction items or know what auction donations you are bringing, please Emily DeSchepper at Everyone is welcome! 

3.  Chapter Baskets

Once again this year, the Alumni Council will be hosting the chapter basket contest in conjunction with the Annual Meeting and Auction.  We ask that the Alumni Chapters that will be attending the Annual Meeting to participate in the basket contest.  Each affiliate, FFA Chapter, or non-traditional affiliate is encouraged to put together a basket that represents your area, FFA, or the FFA state theme of “Envision”. 

A 2020 Illinois FFA Camp Alumni Scholarship will be given to the Best Basket.  If enough money is raised from the chapter basket auction then additional scholarships could be announced.

Please see this link to the Chapter Basket Rules.

4.  WLC Alumni Scholarship Winners
The Illinois FFA Alumni Council scholarship amount is $550 with an additional $400 going to the FFA Chapter to cover travel expenses.  
We had 38 students apply for the WLC Alumni Scholarships.  Congratulations to the following 16 winners of the WLC Alumni Scholarship. 
Makayla Learned, Armstrong
Luke Adams, Athens
Jaton Shaffer, Blue Ridge
Jenna Spangler, Bushnell-Prairie City
Jaclyn Billington, Cisne
Allison Wessels, Cissna Park
Bree Portz, Marissa
Payton Jones, Monmouth-Roseville
Lindsey Lehman, Mt. Vernon
Katlyn Eversgerd, Nashville
Madelyn Hubble, Normal
Nicholas Baker, Olney
Jessica Carlson, Somonauk-Leland-Sandwich
Cassidy Anderson, Vandalia
Alexis Mudd, Waterloo
Ryann Zimmerman, West Prairie

5. 212 Conference Alumni Scholarship Winners
We had 31 students apply for the 212 Conference Alumni Scholarship and the Illinois FFA Alumni Council awarded 21 scholarships.  Congratulations to the following 21 winners of the 2020 - 212 Conference Alumni Scholarships:
Emma Wiker, Athens
Henry Mitchell, Blue Ridge
Hannah Brint, Bushnell-Prairie City
Adah Smutzer, Cambridge
Kevin Hyder, Cisne
Bryce Sluis, Cissna Park
Rylan Robb, Edwards County
Albert Lenkaitis, Eldorado
Anna Webel, Farmington
Mackenzie Engel, Genoa-Kingston
Brianna Day, Mt. Vernon
Emily Lesko, Naperville North
Kristine May, Nashville
Avery Pepple, North Clay
Jenna Bare, Olney
Hailey Kennedy, Seneca
Alexandra Austin, Streator
Harris Ehlers, Trico
Elaina Allaman, United
Braydon DeCounter, West Prairie
Brynna Beutke, Woodland

Mindy Bunselmeyer
Illinois FFA Center
Phone: 217-753-3328 Cell: 217-412-5646
Address: 3221 Northfield, Springfield, IL 62702
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