Illinois Agricultural Education & FFA                
  Illinois Ag Ed News  
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  Selection Comm, EZ Update, CDE Schedule, Region IV, Scholarships, Discovery Apps, FFA Week, Interns,  
  Mindy Bunselmeyer  1/28/2020 7:00:00 AM  


WLC Registration

Click here to view the listserv message sent by the FFA Center.  

DUE February 7 - you have just over a week to get that registration completed.  

BENEFIT for Sarah Morgan - Click here to view the flyer

Sarah is the agriculture teacher at Woodlawn High School in Section 21.  She was in an extremely bad car accident and is still undergoing treatment and surgeries.  There will be a benefit for the Morgans at Woodlawn High School on Friday, February 21st, before a home basketball game. The Mt. Vernon FFA will be serving a meal, and Mr. Kabat is working with their school superintendent to determine the best way to allow as many FFA chapters as possible be involved. Right now, they are looking at a silent auction if you would like to contribute or participate in any way, click here.  

Items in this listserv:

****NEW Information****

  1. Selection Committee - Students NEEDED!

  2. EZ Records Update - Shutdown is 1st week in April 2020

  3. 2020 - 2021 Illinois FFA CDE Schedule 

  4. Spellman High Voltage Electronics Clean Tech Competition

  5. Hello Region IV Agriculture Teachers!

  6. Nutrien Sustainable Agriculture Youth Trip

  7. Interns for Summer 2020 & Bill Johnson Legislative Intern

  8. National FFA Week - State Officer Availability

  9. Sam Taylor Scholarship Application - DUE March 1

  10. Eldon Witt Scholarship Application - DUE May 15

  11. Discovery Star Application - Common Questions and Answers

  1. Selection Committee - Students NEEDED!

The State FFA Officer Selection Committee application is due March 15, 2020.  If you have students that are interested in being on the 2020 Selection Committee click here to apply. The Selection Committee application can also be found on the website use the following steps:

  1. Click on Participate

  2. Click on About Illinois FFA

  3. Click on Illinois FFA State Officers

  4. Look in the Officer Materials Box to the Right hand side - Click on 2020 State Officer Selection Committee Application 

The State FFA Officer Election process is designed to ensure the delegates retain the right of choosing their own State Officer team, while at the same time: 1) Allow all candidates an equal opportunity for election, and 2) Ensure an efficient and timely election process.

The FFA Board of Directors’ policy establishes five selection committees to review and assess the candidates on their ability to serve as an officer of the Illinois Association FFA. In order to fill all committee positions, the service of fifteen FFA members is needed. It would be preferable to have three committee members from each of the five districts. Each chapter advisor is asked to recommend one student to serve on a selection committee. 

While all chapters are encouraged to have a student serve on the committee, there are a couple eligibility requirements:

  1. Applications are limited to sophomore, junior or senior FFA members.

  2. Students serving on an officer team with a State Officer Candidate (either chapter or section) will not be selected to serve. 

  3. Students that might be strongly biased to a particular candidate due to a personal relationship will not be selected.

  4. A chapter may have a representative serve on the Selection Committee every 4th year. (Chapters that had a committee member in 2017, 2018 or 2019 are not eligible.)

Should a student be selected, they need to know the selection committee will meet on April 18, 2020, in Springfield, Illinois at Lincoln Land Community College. Their attendance will be absolutely critical to the process. Their ability to travel to Springfield on that date is required. The committee members will be informed in advance of their selection and will be provided suggested driving assignments to help them avoid having to drive the entire distance to Springfield. 

The State FFA Officer Selection Committee application is due March 15, 2020. 

2.  EZ Records Update - Shutdown is 1st week in April 2020

Per Nick Wherley:  We have delayed the EZ Records shutdown until the first week of April. Thanks, Nick

3.  2020 - 2021 Illinois FFA CDE Schedule 

Can be found on the website, follows these steps: 

  1. Click on Teach

  2. Click on Career and Leadership Events

  3. Unders General Rules and Resources Look for and Click on 2020-2021 Contest Calendar

4.  Spellman High Voltage Electronics Clean Tech Competition

2020 Theme: “Reducing Individual Impacts"

Register Here Now!

Registration Ends March 13!    Papers Due April 3!

High school is a formative time for students as they prepare to go to the next level, and there is no better way to develop skills than through science competitions! This year, Clean Tech is being held in Washington, D.C., and we would love for schools right in the backyard of our host city to join us as we search for solutions to a sustainable future!

The Clean Tech Competition is the only global clean technology innovation competition for high school students. Topics over the past 9 years have tackled everything from clean water and solar energy to food production and pollution, all revolving around a single purpose: to create a greener and sustainable future. This year’s theme is perhaps the most personal and direct, with our categories allowing us to address the breadth of potential situations: whether someone lives with Limited Resources or Abundant Resources, we are fighting for a solution anyone can utilize.

Competition Information

15-18 year old students register in teams of 1-3 students for free on our website, researching a potential solution and testing its effectiveness. They submit a 5-15 page paper that is judged by an international jury of industry professionals, engineers and university professors, from which we will select the top 10 teams per category, and invite them to present a prototype at our Finals in Washington D.C.! We have two $10,000 grand prizes, and each finalist team wins at least $1,000 for their hard work. For this year’s competition students will be able to experience Solar Decathlon, an innovation competition for college students.

Finalist teams are allowed and encouraged to fundraise to cover the costs of travel and lodgings and the Finals include presentations from esteemed guests and other activities both day of and before. Wrapping that all up is our Finals date right before Independence Day in the historic U.S. capital, making the trip well-rounded for all!

Our website below has a wealth of information, including all rules, regulations, important dates, prizes and more. We have information on all of our past winning projects as well, so you can see many of the innovative ways our past Finalists have researched solutions to the questions we pose!

Please feel free to either email or call me at the information listed below. I would love to help you find a way to enter teams into the only global innovation competition for high school students!

Contact Information

Competition Administrator: Mr. Kevin Sanders          Email:

Phone: +1-516-764-0045  Website:

Facebook & Twitter  @CleanTechComp

“From young minds come fresh solutions”

5. Hello Region IV Agriculture Teachers!

Let me be the first to share my excitement with you in regards to hosting Region IV this summer! The dates are June 23-25, 2020 and the conference will be held in the Bardstown/Louisville, Kentucky area. 

Attached to this email you will find the registration form, hotel booking information, and tentative schedule. 

*Quick note about the hotel- The Springhill Suites is currently being built in Bardstown and they are anticipating construction to be done in plenty of time, however due to it not being open yet, we are booking with the Elizabethtown location and when the Bardstown location opens, those bookings will be transferred.



Please contact me with any questions you may have and I will try to help!

John Hammond

Thomas Nelson High School

Agriculture Teacher/FFA Advisor

(502)349-4650 ext. 4682

6. Nutrien Sustainable Agriculture Youth Trip

Now, Nutrien, Ltd., the creator of farming educational platforms Journey 2050 and Farmers 2050 and a Canadian provider of crop inputs and services, have partnered with an organization called ‘ME to WE ‘ to offer youth interested in food security and sustainable agriculture the chance to volunteer in Narok County in Kenya in the Summer of 2020. Students selected to participate will be able to take what they have learned in the Journey 2050 program and apply it during a once in a lifetime experience!

Nutrien Sustainable Agriculture Youth Trip recipients will: 

  • Travel to Kenya on a ME to WE trip from August 3-14, 2020.

  • Contribute to sustainable agriculture programming by volunteering in rural WE Village communities.

  • Develop valuable leadership and interpersonal skills.

  • Connect with other young people who are passionate about global issues.

  • Learn about agriculture and food security while working alongside community members and contribute to a sustainable development project using the WE Grow Together and Journey 2050 education resources.

  • Connect with families in rural villages, dive into a vibrant culture, learn Swahili and go on a safari!

  • Meet local students and learn about their day-to-day life in a farm community in Narok County

  • Participate in hands-on workshops and learn about agriculture and food security issues in Kenya, as they experience them themselves.

Eligible applicants must:

  • be age 13 to 18, at the time of the application deadline. (March 20, 2020)

  • have a passport that is valid through February 14, 2021, and able to travel internationally

  • be a resident of Canada, the United States or Trinidad & Tobago

  • demonstrate a commitment to global issues or community volunteerism

  • have a special interest in sustainable agriculture

  • be able to take care of incidental costs, such as travel insurance, vaccinations, transit visas (if applicable) and valid passports

Trip recipients will learn firsthand about sustainable development and bring the spirit of global citizenship back to their schools and communities. Fourteen youth will be chosen to participate in this program.

The application deadline is March 20, 2020 by 11:59:59pm Eastern Time. Students apply online at:

To learn more about ‘ME to WE,’ please visit ME to WE. To learn more about Nutrien, Ltd., please visit Nutrien. To learn more about Journey 2050, please visit Journey 2050.

7.  Interns for Summer 2020 & Bill Johnson Legislative Intern

We are happy to announce - Collin Moseley of the Flora FFA Chapter has been hired as our 3rd Annual Bill Johnson Legislative Intern, he will begin at this year’s Ag Legislative Day on March 3, 2020.  

Also COMING IN May 2020 - Alexa Jacobs, Bureau Valley FFA Member Alumni and Paxton Morse, Eldorado FFA Member Alumni have been hired as our 2020 SUMMER Interns.  

8.  National FFA Week - State Officer Availability

If you are finalizing your National FFA Week plans and would like for a state officer to attend your event, click here to book an officer that week. We will confirm or deny your request based on how fast their calendar fills up, so please don’t assume you will get an officer until we confirm it.  Gage, Emma and Brodee will be doing Chapter Visits in Section 8. The FFA Officer Request form can also be found on the  website:

  • Click on Participate

  • Click on About Illinois FFA

  • Click on Illinois FFA State Officers

For National FFA Week, the officer reimbursement expense will be covered by the Illinois Foundation FFA. 

9.  Sam Taylor Scholarship Application - DUE March 1

Know any students with interest or potential to be a GREAT Ag teacher?  Encourage them to apply for the Sam Taylor Scholarship. 

Sam Taylor Memorial Scholarship:  One or more $500 - $1,000 scholarship(s) established by the family in memory of Sam Taylor, 1991-92 State FFA President.  Sam was an agriculture education at the time of his death, he served Illinois with a great enthusiasm for FFA, agriculture education and his Hereford cattle.  Available to any Illinois FFA member who is a graduating senior planning to major in agriculture or is a student already enrolled in an agricultural program at a two or four year college or university.  Preference will be given to applicants majoring in agriculture education,but all agriculture majors are encouraged to apply. Many of our current agriculture teachers have been awarded the Sam Taylor Memorial Scholarship.  It is also still awarded by Sam’s family at the Illinois FFA State Convention.  

DUE March 1.  Sam Taylor Scholarship Application.

10. Eldon Witt Scholarship Application - DUE May 15

Know any agriculture education majors about to student teach?  Encourage them to apply for the Eldon Witt Scholarship. 

Mr. Witt served as the Executive Director for IAVAT starting in 1970 until retirement.  He then served the Illinois Association FFA as Executive Secretary from 1973 until his retirement in 1989.  Please click here to view his photo and biography from his 40 year service award to IAVAT.   The Eldon Witt Scholarship has been awarded to numerous future agriculture teachers throughout Illinois.

DUE May 15.  Eldon Witt Scholarship Application.

11.  Discovery Star Application - Common Questions and Answers

Star Discovery Applications can be found on

Star Discovery Farmer

Star Discovery  Ag Placement

Star Discovery Agriscience

Star Discovery  Agribusiness 

1. Who all can compete for the Middle School Stars? - 8th-grade students. This is what we state on the applications:  

Directions: Students who are in their 8th-grade year and have received the Discovery Degree are currently eligible for this award. It is not required that the applicant be the Chapter Discovery Star Farmer recipient. There is no limit to how many applications that a chapter may submit at the Section level. The Section winner will advance to the District level. The District winner will advance to the State level. Students must be enrolled in an agricultural education program and have been an FFA member during the time frame covered in the application.   

2. Is there a minimum amount of time they had to keep an SAE project? - No, due to the fact that students may have 9 weeks, 1 semester or 1 full year, given these variances, no set amount of time was required for the Star Discovery recognition.  

3. If students are in a quarter rotation and they do not have ag until 4th quarter do they have to wait until then before they can start their project?  They can still complete the application, click each one to view the applications, Farmer, Ag Placement, Agriscience, Agribusiness - while it does say, 1st year, 2nd year it doesn't say they have to have started it at a certain time.  

4. If an 8th grader kept a book from Jan 1 to August 30th, can they compete as a Middle School star during the spring of their Freshman year? No, they cannot compete for Star Discovery their Freshman year. 

**** PREVIOUS Information Shared****

**** WORTH Sharing Again****


CDE Registration 

Registrations for CDEs

Check the Event Registration tab behind your login on for most current event registrations


  • Officers - Jeff Landers, JJC - President, Brian Clement, College of Dupage - Vice President, Doug Robb, WVCC - Treasurer, Jess Smithers, Richland - Secretary, Pete Fandel, ICC - Past President

  • 2020 Conference = October 8-9, 2020 in Joliet


  • Recent name change from Post-Secondary Ag Students to Professional Ag Students

  • Officers - President - Gwen Heimerdinger, 1st Vice-President - Ryan Reeverts, 2nd Vice-President - Rob Janssen, 3rd Vice-President - Mazi Walker

Illinois FFA:

WLC Registration

  • Click here to view the listserv message sent by the FFA Center.  

Illinois FFA Board Updates

  • Click here to view the listserv message sent by the FFA Center.  

Honorary State Degree Applications - DUE April 1 

212 Conference - February 7-8, 2020

  • Click here to view the listserv message sent by the FFA Center.  

Winter 2019 Illinois FFA Newsletter

  • Click here to view the 2019 Winter Illinois FFA Newsletter

Fall 2019 Illinois FFA Newsletter

  • Click here to view the 2019 Fall Illinois FFA Newsletter  

Trading Post for 2019 - 2020

*** NEW THIS YEAR - you can exchange CDE registrations.  

Lock Box Practicums and Activities

  • Click here to view the listserv message sent by the FFA Center.  

FFA Board August Updates

  • Click here to view the listserv message sent by the FFA Center.  

Heritage and Cooperative Awards replaced with National Chapter Award Results

  • Click here to view the listserv message sent by the FFA Center.  

 2020 Illinois FFA State Convention Hotel Block Open

  • Click here to view the listserv message sent by the FFA Center.  

National FFA Results and Finalists

  • Click here to view the listserv message sent by the FFA Center.  

Illinois FFA Alumni:

Illinois FFA Alumni Annual Meeting & Auction - January 31 - February 1, 2020

  • Click here to view the listserv message sent by the FFA Center.  

212 and WLC Scholarship Winners 

  • Click here to view the listserv message sent by the FFA Center.  

Illinois FFA Alumni Auction - Chapter Baskets

  • Click here to view the listserv message sent by the FFA Center.  

4th Annual Illinois FFA Alumni Gun Raffle

  • Click here to view the listserv message sent by the FFA Center.  

Illinois FFA Center:

Registering for Events

  • Click here to view the listserv message sent by the FFA Center.  

Office Closings:  

  • March 6, 2020 - ½ Day - Employee Appreciation Lunch & Vision Planning Afternoon 

  • Friday, April 10, 2020 - Good Friday

  • Monday, May 25, 2020 - Memorial Day

Illinois Foundation FFA:

Illinois Foundation FFA December Update

  • Click here to view the listserv message sent by the FFA Center.  

2019 - 2020 Local Collection Drive Kickoff Listserv 

  • Click here to view the listserv message sent by the FFA Center.  

2018 - 2019 Illinois Foundation FFA Report 

Industry Friends of agricultural education posts:

Illinois Pork Producers Scholarships

  • Click here to view the listserv message sent by the FFA Center.  

2020 GROWMARK Essay Contest Results

  • Click here to view the listserv message sent by the FFA Center.  

Illinois State Florists' Association Student Design Contest 

  • Click here to view the listserv message sent by the FFA Center.  

The Gathering of the Green invites Illinois FFA Chapters and members!

1st annual High School Senior Welding Competition

DeKalb, Asgrow, Deltapine Scholarship

Agriculture in the Classroom 2020 Summer Internship

Illinois Conservation Foundation Accepting Applications for 2020 Conservation Achievement Scholarships

  • Click here to view the listserv message sent by the FFA Center.  

GROWMARK Foundation to Provide FFA Jackets

  • Click here to view the listserv message posted by the Illinois FFA Center

AGCO Scholarships

  • Click here to view the listserv message posted by the Illinois FFA Center

National FFA:

National FFA Updates

  • The National FFA Organization is pleased to announce once again the Tractor Supply Company; Grants for Growing.  Tractor Supply Company (TSC) is again looking forward to partnering with local FFA chapters during National FFA Week in February to help promote ag education, FFA, and the sale of $1 paper emblems at TSC store checkouts.  The money raised through this promotion by TSC will be made available for minimum $500 grants that ANY local FFA chapter can apply for. The grant application will open for a two month period of March 2nd through May 1st.  This is a new timeline. All FFA chapters are eligible to apply.  BEING LOCATED NEAR A TSC STORE IS NOT REQUIRED TO APPLY FOR A GRANT.  Find the grant application and more information at:

  • Applications are currently being accepted through March 1st for the 2020 National FFA New Century Farmer Program.  This ag production focused summer program is open to currently enrolled college students with plans to enter production agriculture after graduation.  Applicants must be current or former FFA members or current National FFA Alumni Members. Find more information and the application at:

  • The APHIS branch of USDA is seeking student applicants for its 2020 AgDiscovery Program. AgDiscovery is a summer camp outreach for middle school and high school aged students to explore careers in various agriculture disciplines. The two (or more) week program is based at 20 land grant universities and HBCUs throughout the US. Applications are due March 1st and can be found at:

  • Please be sure that your American Degree applications are reviewed using this manual checksheet:  This checksheet IS NOT a part of, or a substitute for the automated met/not-met process.  If your state uses a committee review process or panel of teachers for review, please make sure they have this checksheet on hand as they review applications.

  • Please be sure to utilize the updated American Degree Community Service Guidelines as first shared by Brett Evans on December 16, 2019: Community Service Guidelines for FFA Degrees.  Its also highly recommended to apply these guidelines to state degree community service activities. 

  • The National Agriscience Teacher Ambassador Academy is now accepting applications for the 2020 academy July 13-17 in Tulsa, OK.  This is a highly competitive, paid for professional development experience that past participants note as having significantly altered their teaching style and methodology in very positive ways.  The academy focuses on interactive, hands-on application based agriscience professional development. The week of training includes lab activities using inquiry-based pedagogy. Previous attendees are listed by state at: and may be an excellent source to ask questions and learn more about the academy if you are interested.  The application is due February 3rd and can be found at:

  • The National Teacher Ambassador for FFA program will accept applications for our 2020 cohort starting February 3rd.  Current ag teachers are encouraged to apply.  Training date options for the 2020 cohort are June 8-12 or June 15-19.  Watch for the application opening February 3rd:


***DATES & DEADLINES - Remember***

  • January 31 - February 1, 2020 - Illinois FFA Alumni Annual Meeting & Auction, President Abraham Lincoln Hotel, Springfield

  • January 31 - Deadline for Foundation Program and Stage Recognition for Sponsorship and Local Collection Drive

  • February 1 - IAA Foundation Scholarships DUE - Click Here for info

  • February 7-8 - 212 Conference, Decatur Conference Center

  • February 24-28 - Chapter Visits - Click here to open the Chapter Visits Evaluation

  • February 22 - State Food/Vet Science CDE Early Bird Registration DUE

  • February 22 - 29 - National FFA Week

  • March 1 - American FFA Degree Applications DUE - Click here for more info

  • March 1 - Sam Taylor Scholarship Application DUE

  • March 2 - Alumni Camp Scholarships DUE

  • March 2 - Ag Legislative Seminar, Springfield

  • March 3 - Ag Legislative Day, Springfield

  • March 4 - District Proficiency Awards

  • March 6-8 - State FFA Officer Team Meeting, Springfield

  • March 7 - State Food/Vet Science CDEs

  • March 9 - 10 - State Review of American and State FFA Degree Applications

  • March 13 - Judges Submitted from all District Winners for State Awards Day

  • March 13-14 - Alumni Council Meeting, FFA Center - Springfield 

  • March 15 - Selection Committee Application DUE 

  • March 20 - FFA State Officer Team Meeting

  • March 20 - Mandatory Dairy Cattle & Handlers registration deadline

  • March 21 - State Proficiency Awards Day, UIUC - Urbana

  • April 2 - Illinois Foundation FFA Annual Meeting

  • April 3 - State Dairy Cattle and Dairy Cattle Handlers CDE

  • April 6 - 8 - American FFA Degree Interviews, Illinois FFA Center - Springfield

  • April 10 - FFA Center Closed - Good Friday

  • April 10 - Livestock Reasons & Horticulture Mandatory Registration DUE 

  • April 10 - Livestock Non-reasons & Poultry Early Bird Registration CLOSES 

  • April 13 - Administrative Council Meeting, Illinois FFA Center - Springfield

  • April 15 - National Chapter Award Application DUE - ONLINE

  • April 15 - State Convention Band Application DUE

  • April 15 - State Convention Chorus Application DUE

  • April 15 - State Convention Talent Application DUE

  • April 17 - 20 - Round 1 of National Chapter Award Judging

  • April 18 - Major State Officer Selection Committee - Springfield

  • April 21 - Illinois FFA Board Meeting, Illinois FFA Center - Springfield

  • April 23 - 30 - Round 2 of National Chapter Award Judging

  • April 24 - Super Friday - State Livestock, Poultry & Horticulture CDEs

  • April 28 - Section Ag Mech results DUE to register for State Ag Mech

  • May 1 - Chapter President Award Application DUE

  • May 1 - Chapter and Section Reporter Award Application DUE

  • May 6 - State Ag Business Management CDE

  • May 12 - State Ag Mechanics CDE

  • May 15 - Eldon Witt Scholarship DUE

  • May 15 - State Convention Courtesy Corps Application DUE

  • May 15 - State Convention Farm Credit Newsroom Application DUE

  • May 26 - 27 - State FFA Officer Team Meeting

  • May 31 - Chapter Scrapbook Intent to Compete at State Convention

  • June 1 - State Ag Issues Materials DUE

  • June 1 - State Prepared Public Speaking Manuscripts DUE via email

  • June 1 - State Job Interview Materials DUE

  • June 8 - State Ag Issues, Parliamentary Procedure, Conduct of Chapter Meeting and Ag Communications CDE/LDEs, Springfield

  • June 9 - State Ag Communications, Public Speakings, Job Interview CDE/LDEs

  • June 9 - 11 - 92nd Annual Illinois FFA State Convention, Springfield

  • June 11-12 -  State FFA Officer Team Meeting

  • June 15 - IAVAT Board Meeting & Section Chairs Meeting

  • June 16 - 18 - IAVAT Conference

  • June 18 - 19 -  State FFA Officer Team Meeting

  • June 21 - 26 - Legacy Tour (Formerly the Heritage & COOP Tour)

  • July 3 - FFA Center Closed - 4th of July HOLIDAY

Mindy Bunselmeyer
Illinois FFA Center
Phone: 217-753-3328 Cell: 217-412-5646
Address: 3221 Northfield, Springfield, IL 62702
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