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  2020 Proposed Constitutional Amendments - VOTED on at Convention Business Sessions!  
  Mindy Bunselmeyer  1/31/2020 7:00:00 AM  

Illinois FFA Convention - 1st Business Session - Proposed Constitutional Amendment

2020 Proposed Constitutional Amendments - VOTED on at Convention Business Sessions!

Please take some time to review the following proposed changes to the Illinois Association FFA Constitution to be voted on at the 92nd  Annual Illinois FFA State Convention, Tuesday, June 9, 2020.  

Click Here to view the current Illinois Association FFA Constitution, also located on website:

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  4. Illinois FFA Constitution

  • FFA Board Chair Proposal - Due to conflict of interest risk cited by ISBE, the following changes are being proposed to the Illinois Association FFA Constitution:  

    Proposed Motion: 
      • Article XI, Section B. 

      • Adult Board 1. 

      • The official governing body of the organization, which shall exercise the powers granted in Public Law 105-225 (formerly 81-740), shall be an Illinois FFA Board of (adult) Directors composed of:

        •  a. STRIKE: The consultant for agricultural education, Illinois State Board of Education, serving as the State FFA Advisor, who shall act as chairperson; and 

        • b. one consultant in agricultural education; Illinois State Board of Education; and 

        • c. one agriculture teacher educator; and

        • d. five local FFA chapter advisors, one from each district.

        • ADD: e.  The Chair would be nominated and approved from the adult board of the current structure.  Chair would have full discussion and voting rights. Chair can be any one of the qualified adult representatives on the FFA Board.  

        • Motion Harvey, 2nd Plote.  Motion passed.  

        • Sustain; McDermott, 2nd Meisner.  Motion passed. 

      • Action required - final proposal must be voted on by the delegate body in attendance at the 92nd Annual Illinois FFA Convention on June 9, 2020.   

3. Ex-officio members of the Illinois FFA Board of Directors shall be the STRIKE: FFA Executive Secretary and the Treasurer of the Illinois FFA Foundation Board of Trustees.

AMEND TO:  FFA Center Executive Staff and State FFA Advisor. 
Mindy Bunselmeyer
Illinois FFA Center
Phone: 217-753-3328 Cell: 217-412-5646
Address: 3221 Northfield, Springfield, IL 62702
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