Message sent to: Advisors, Principals, Superintendents
Content: Agricultural Education Three Circles Grant for SY20-21
Greetings from ISBE!
I hope this message finds everyone well and enjoying your summer! The form for the initial application for this year’s Three Circles Grant is now available.
Please complete this application by the end of the day on July 31, 2020.
The IWAS budget application will be forthcoming, you will be notified when that application is ready for the district to complete. Please note that completion of this initial application is considered an intent to apply and not the official application. This information will be used to determine the allocation awarded to the district.
Please use the following link to complete the initial application to indicate your intent to apply for the 2020-2021 Agricultural Education Three Circles Grant: District Salary Match Worksheet FY21
Link for the Initial Application (Intent to Apply) for the Ag Ed Three Circles Grant:
Erica Thieman
Illinois State Board of Education
Phone: 217-785-4293 Cell: --
Address: 100 North First Street, Springfield, IL 62777