CONVENTION TIP of the DAY - Monday, May 20, 2024 - REGISTRATION
HOT, HOT, HOT - Pre-registration closes Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.
Please register at www.ilaged.org under Event Registrations/2024 State FFA Convention. Bus Parking Passes sell out quickly, so please register for those ahead of time. Please note that you will NOT be able to buy the American Degree Dinner and/or State Awards Lunch Tickets on-site.
After May 21, 2024, you will need to register on-site. Please note that parents, friends, and guests may register on-site.
Want to receive FREE bus parking ($30 value) and a gift certificate? Sign up for a shift as a bus parker on your registration form! We would LOVE and APPRECIATE having your assistance in the parking lot, your fellow teachers can always use a little extra guidance in the parking lot.
If you have any questions, please contact Patti Davis at pdavis@illinoisffa.org (217) 753-3328 Ext. 107.
If you’d like to use Hopper Funds (which must be used by June 30, 2024), please contact Tammy Yard at tyard@illinoisffa.org (217) 753-3328 Ext.106.
What happens if I do not get our school registered by May 21, 2024? No worries, you CAN register on-site. When you register on-site, you will still have a chapter packet, but that packet will NOT include any of your convention buttons or other registration materials, it will include lots of convention information, stage appearance cards and additional materials.
Mindy Bunselmeyer
Illinois FFA Center
Phone: 217-753-3328 Cell: 217-412-5646
Email: mbunselmeyer@illinoisffa.org
Address: 3221 Northfield, Springfield, IL 62702