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  CONVENTION TIP of the DAY - Thursday, May 30, 2024- FFA Degree Seating, Delegate Seating AND Official FFA Dress  
  Mindy Bunselmeyer  5/30/2024 7:00:00 AM  

CONVENTION TIP of the DAY - Thursday, May 30, 2024- FFA Degree Seating, Delegate Seating AND Official FFA Dress

State FFA Degree Seating

Wednesday, June 12, 204, during the 4th General Session Illinois FFA will present the State FFA Degrees to 604 FFA member from all over the state.    State FFA Degree recipients when you arrive, please proceed UPSTAIRS to the Mezzanine level with your Stage Appearance Card from your FFA Advisors.  

ALSO, AGAIN THIS YEAR!!  The seating for both the State FFA Degree and American FFA Degree recipients will be on the Mezzanine level (the upper level) of the Bank of Springfield Center.  

REMINDER - NO State FFA Degree Group Photo this year.  We will of course have the expert photographer, Cindy Cagwin Johnston, taking a photo of each individual State FFA Degree recipient as they cross the stage under the ever so beautiful and traditional State FFA Degree Arch.  Click here to see the folder of those photos from last year that we try to get posted to the website shortly after the degree ceremony 

Delegate Seating 

I am a 2024 Delegate, where will I sit?  

Want to know where your delegates are sitting during Convention Business Sessions? 

Click here to see where your delegates will be sitting at the 96th Annual Illinois FFA State Convention.  Section Presidents and Acting Section Presidents will be holding up Section Number Signs on the morning of June 13, 2024, to help delegates find their sections for seating.  What questions can we answer about delegates seating?  

Official FFA Dress

If you are a State FFA Degree Recipient OR a Delegate - YOU need to look GOOD!  So make sure you are wearing proper Official FFA Dress.   Click here to check out the proper Official Dress. 

Teachers, are you struggling with the conversation about the proper official dress?  Are you dreading that conversation when a skirt is too short or students say they only have blue jeans? 

FEAR NOT that conversation any longer…have your students  Click here to check out the proper Official Dress. Do you want to remind them that there is an appropriate skirt length gently, but fear the awkward silence or confusing look on their face when you mention skirt length?  Well, eliminate the silence and “the look” by sharing the appropriate skirt link.  And on the skirt with the red X, it’s preferable it doesn’t get that short OR any shorter.  How about appropriate shoes?  Encourage dress shoes, heels or flats,  in the shoe conversation, it is most important that their shoes should be comfortable and worn at all times at the conventionDO NOT let your students wander around without shoes, I don’t care how bad their feet hurt - SHOES are a MUST at all times.  Oh and don’t let them sit on the floor…it should be noted that students found sitting on the floor on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, will be the first ones recruited to work open shifts at Meals From the Heartland. 

Share with them what State President, Thaddeus Bergschneider has to say about official dress; “Look sharp friends, don’t forget to pack proper Official Dress, we want to make sure that you are looking “on point” for the convention! We can’t wait to see you there!!!” 

Mindy Bunselmeyer
Illinois FFA Center
Phone: 217-753-3328 Cell: 217-412-5646
Address: 3221 Northfield, Springfield, IL 62702
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