We hope you are having a great summer! Please see the attached save the date for the JWCC Ag Alumni Association 21st Annual Livestock Judging Contest on Friday, September 20th.
High school students are invited to hone their skills for a future career in agriculture at John Wood Community College’s Ag Alumni Association’s 21st Annual Livestock Judging Contest on Friday, September 20th, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the College’s Agricultural Education Center near Baylis.
Registration will be from 8:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. Instructions and welcome will follow and the contest will begin at 9:00 a.m. and conclude at 1:00 p.m. with the official placing results.
The event is sponsored by ADM Alliance Nutrition and Moorman’s ShowTec and hosted by John Wood Agriculture Alumni Association and Livestock Evaluation Club. Evaluation will be of various species, including cattle, swine, sheep and goats.
Students will also be judged on their ability to accurately evaluate one class of each species by answering ten questions about the differences observed in the class. The official judges will present the correct placings and provide learning opportunities for the students following the competition.
Allie Bode
Facilitating Coordination in Ag Education (FCAE)
Phone: 309--97-3-63 Cell: 309-973-6335
Email: abode@ilaged.org
Address: 122 Scott Court, Mt. Pulaski, IL 62548