Advanced CTE has released the draft modernized National Career Clusters Framework to the Career Technical Education (CTE) community.
You will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the overall design as well as one or more of the proposed Career Clusters. A webinar was also held with a video recorded.
Click here to view the video regarding the changes.
On page 4 of this document you will find the changes to the Agriculture cluster. Changes are also clearly outlined on page 22.
Here is a quick breakdown of the changes:
The cluster name would change from Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources to Agriculture.
Agriculture welding and electricity would now fall under the Construction pathway.
Small engines will now fall under the Supply Chain and Transportation pathway.
Environmental Science and Natural Resources will now fall under the Energy pathway.
What does this mean?
On page 5 a diagram outlines the courses to be taught in each pathway. Agriculture teachers would be able to teach courses that are part of the “Cultivating Resources” (which includes Natural Resources, Environmental Resources and Agriculture). They would not be able to teach outside of this proposed segment without additional endorsements. This would especially impact our agricultural mechanics teachers. In Illinois there currently is not an endorsement available for welding, electricity, or small engines that would allow a teacher to meet this qualification as proposed.
What can you do?
Click here to access the survey by July 7, 2024 to share your concerns. You must provide data points/documentation (can include a letter on business letterhead from a local business or your school district) to support your opinions regarding the changes.
Please share this message and the survey with your administrators, alumni members, local business leaders and others who may be impacted by a decrease in student training and career exposure of future employees and encourage them to also share their thoughts. You can also view the economic impact of agriculture at the state level and by county at this link.
Enrollment data to support data points:
2023-2024 Enrollment Data in Illinois (self-reported by school districts to Illinois Agricultural Education State Staff)- Please reference these numbers in regards to the number of students who would be impacted. Please share your personal experiences regarding how students and local industry would be impacted in your local community by these changes.
Basic Agricultural Mechanics: 3517 students in 175 schools (45% of schools)
Agricultural Construction: 1408 students in 84 schools (22% of schools)
Agricultural Welding: 1212 students in 70 schools (18% of schools)
Natural Resources:952 students in 61 schools (16% of schools)
Advanced Ag Mechanics: 947 students in 76 schools (20% of schools)
Advanced Agricultural Construction: 466 students in 46 schools (12% of schools)
Environmental Resources:419 students in 21 schools (5% of schools)
Agricultural Engine Maintenance: 363 students in 17 schools (4% of schools)
Advanced Welding: 333 students in 29 schools (8% of schools)
Agricultural Machinery Service: 268 students in 22 schools (6% of schools)
Agricultural Metal Fabrication: 234 students in 24 schools (6% of schools)
Agricultural Electrical Systems: 144 students in 12 schools (3% of schools)
Advanced Engine Maintenance: 37 students in 6 schools (2% of schools)
*There were 386 school based agriculture programs during the 2023-2024 school year.
This is a national proposal. At this time, we do not expect these changes to impact what our teachers are teaching in Illinois. The current CIP codes used for your agriculture classes are not expected to be changed at this time. However, it is important to voice your opinion and concerns to hedge any future effects of these proposed changes.
Please complete the survey and share your thoughts with Advanced CTE regarding the proposed changes.
Jennifer Waters
Facilitating Coordination in Ag Education (FCAE)
Phone: 217-827-0633 Cell: 217-827-0633
Email: jwaters@ilaged.org
Address: 211 IL-125, Pleasant Plains, IL 62677