Please find attached proposed Bylaw Amendments by the IACCAI Executive Committee. This email serves as the official notice required to members at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting.
Amendment #1 - Strike
Vocational Agriculture Service Staff at the University of Illinois
Rational - ITCS no longer operating
Amendment #2 - Strike
The Treasurer shall serve no more than three consecutive years in the office.
Rational - The Treasurer no longer signs checks for the organization (FFA Center staff managed) and don't want to restrict quality board members from serving longer than 3 years.
Amendment #3 - Replace
The nominating committee shall consist of the three immediate past presidents, and the past president currently serving as a member of the Board of Directors.
The nominating committee shall consist of the current Board of Directors.
Rational - Align with recent practice
As a reminder, conference registration is due in just over 2 weeks (October 1). Please click here to view the original listserv with more information about the conference and registration. -- John Edgar Illinois FFA Center Phone: 217-753-3328 Cell: 618-318-5776 Email: jedgar@illinoisffa.org Address: 3221 Northfield, Springfield, IL 62702