SIU College of Agricultural, Life, and Physical Sciences would like to thank the 58 schools and 550 students that participated in the SIU Horse Judging CDE today, making this a record turnout this year!
Scores have now been released and can be checked on
Please review your team's scores and let us know if you have any questions or concerns by Monday September 16, 2024, at 12:00 pm. Official results will be released via listserv Monday afternoon.
In addition, we would like to say thank you to Stephanie Speiser for her hard work in putting the contest together and running it today. Also, a thank you to Samantha Wuest, the SIU Equine Center Manager, for her help in coordination and work with the horses. Their hard work is greatly appreciated. We also appreciate those individuals that brought horses for the contest, and our official judge, Casey Parr.
Last but not least – thank you to all of our FFA students and staff that helped make this event a success!
We kindly ask that you have your students fill out the following link to ensure that we have accurate records of our events. This data helps with getting approval and funding to continue to host and improve these events!
We appreciate your support of SIU, have a wonderful weekend, and GO DAWGS!
SIUC Agricultural Sciences
Southern Illinois University
Phone: 618-453-2469 Cell: --
Address: 1205 Lincoln Drive, Mail Code 4416, Carbondale, IL 62901