Dear Ag Ed Colleagues:
Please help us get the word out to transfer students planning to attend SIU. Please note the following requirements for the Teacher Education Program:
1. Possess a 2.75 or higher GPA.
2. Pass English 101 (English Composition 1) and 102 (English Composition 2) with a grade of C or higher.
3. Pass EDUC 211 (Diversity in Education) and 214 (Human Development and Learning) with a grade of C or higher.
4. Apply and be accepted to Teacher Ed Program – TEP application available at:
*Please note: Transfer students must apply to the TEP the semester before they arrive at SIU and complete all 4 requirements prior to their arrival. Note the “Educational Sequence” on the curriculum guide.
Attached is the Curriculum Guide for SIUC’s Agricultural Education major.
Thank you for helping us spread the word!
Steven Still
Southern Illinois University
Phone: 618-536-7733 Cell: --
Email: steven.still@siu.edu
Address: 1205 Lincoln Drive MC 4416, Carbondale, IL 62901