Sent to all Advisors in District 2.
Looking for events for your middle school Ag students/FFA members? If so, plan to bring them to Illinois Valley Community College's Middle School Mania, a CDE challenge event just for 6-8th graders. At this event, middle schoolers will compete in 5 areas of CDE and Ag career related competition. Topics to be covered include Ag Mech, Agronomy, Food Science, and FFA trivia. There will also be an AFNR themed team-based challenge. See the attached "save the date" for the details. I've also attached a doc with station and event specifics. More information and sign-up to come from IVCC.
If you have questions, feel free to reach out!
-- Jenny Wold Facilitating Coordination in Ag Education (FCAE) Phone: 630-885-4927 Cell: 630-885-4927 Email: jwold@ilaged.org Address: 370 E. North St. PO Box 545, Leland, IL 60531