(sent to all Teachers)
The Dan Hoge Invitational Livestock Judging contest is Saturday, March 1 starting at 9 am on campus. Entry fee is $20 per student for questions and $25 per student for reasons. We will have a Junior Questions Division for 8th grade and younger, a Senior Questions Division for 9-12th grade and the same age groups for Junior Reasons and Senior Reasons divisions. The questions contest will consist of 12 placing classes and 3 set of questions. The reasons division will consist of 12 placing classes and 6 sets of reasons for Senior and 4 sets for Juniors.
Coaches, please fill out the attached form and bring with you to registration to expediate the process and we will assign contestant numbers to you that morning. Registration will begin at 7:30 am in an effort start on time so people can get to Peoria for the cattle show if need be.
Please bring pencils!
Any questions please call or text Blake Bloomberg at 309 368 3648.
Link for registration is below:
Team Form
John Heiser
Facilitating Coordination in Ag Education (FCAE)
Phone: 815-509-5404 Cell: 815-509-5404
Email: jheiser@ilaged.org
Address: 535 Elm Pl, Suite #4, Princeton, IL 61356