Congratulations to all District Winners!
The State Awards Day for District Winners and District Stars will be held on Saturday, March 22, 2025, at Mt. Zion High School, 315 S Henderson St, Mt Zion, IL 62549.
Do this BEFORE you arrive that day:
ALL District winners need to submit their applications to the State Submission list by Monday, March 10, 2025, at 5:00 pm. All winners must resubmit even if the application hasn't been revised.
If you have a District Star Discovery winner submit to the IL 2025 Discovery Star - State under the AET Star Application heading.
If you have a District State FFA Degree Star winner submit to the IL 2025 State Star - State – State under the AET Star application heading.
If you have a District Proficiency Award Winner submit to the IL 2025 Proficiency – State under the Illinois State Proficiency heading.
NOTICE: It will be the responsibility of all teachers of District Winners and District Stars to have their candidates at State Awards Day. It is required that an advisor accompanies the student to the State Awards. If for any reason the advisor cannot be present, they must identify a suitable replacement and must notify the Illinois FFA Center for approval of their replacement.
SUBMIT Judges: Click here to complete the judges' form. MUST have that form completed by NO LATER than Monday, March 10, 2025, by 5:00 p.m. NOTICE: One judge must be provided for each student competing in State Awards Day judging. NOTICE for: Stars = 1 judge per Star Candidate and Proficiency area = 1 judge per student entered. For example, if you have a Star Farmer Candidate who is also a Beef District winner you need 2 judges.
REVIEW and SCORE Applications: Once judges are assigned by the Illinois FFA Center, scoring invitation codes and directions on how to evaluate the applications via AET will be emailed to every judge on March 15, 2025. This allows a full week for the judges to review and score the applications prior to the interviews on Saturday, March 22, 2025. It is expected that all scoring of the applications is completed prior to the beginning of the interviews.
SOE Data form - All District SOE Winners should fill out an SOE data form electronically prior to State Awards Day on March 22, 2025. The SOE data form will be read by the WINNER on State Proficiency Awards day for the video of state winners for the State Convention winners presentation.
Press Releases: Click here for the District Proficiency Winner Press release and Click Here for District Star Winner Press release. We will have a similar State press release and take photos of all of the district winners as a group and then the State winners with their teacher/s. All State winning photos will be in a folder to be shared with you that day.
Site Information and Details for Saturday, March 22, 2025:
8:00 a.m. - Registration and check-in for both students and judges begin at 8:00 a.m. at the main entrance of Mt. Zion High School.
10:00 a.m. - All directions and announcements for judges and students will take place in the Auditorium of Mt. Zion High School.
RESULTS: All results, except Stars Over Illinois, of the contest, will be posted and announced in the auditorium at Mt. Zion High School. Discovery Stars will be announced on-site as well. Once results are announced, teachers have completed their judging, and their students have been interviewed, you are free to go. Only those who have to be videoed are required to stay after the results are announced.
VIDEOS: All State Winners will be recorded on state awards day, our video coordinator will record each winner. Each State Winner MUST be prepared to briefly describe their SAE to have it recorded for the State Proficiency Awards session during State FFA Convention. The Data form MUST be completed to be prepared for this process. Winners will use the completed Data Form for this video.
To know AFTER State Awards Day
QUESTIONS: Contact Sean Welch swelch@illinoisffa.org 217-753-3328 ext. 110
Sean Welch
Illinois FFA Center
Phone: 217-753-3328 Cell: --
Email: swelch@illinoisffa.org
Address: 3221 Northfield Dr. , Springfield , IL 62702