The District 5 Ag Science Fair was held on March 6, 2025. This event was hosted at Benton High School in conjunction with the District 5 FFA Proficiency Awards Judging.
Three schools participated included Cisne, DuQuoin and Galatia with 26 projects and 28 students.
Top Project in each area included:
Environmental Services/Natural Resource Systems: Ethan Harris, Du Quoin
Plant Systems: Kadence Smith, Cisne
Animal Systems: Kenzie Alvis, Cisne
Food Products and Processing Systems: Garrett Arnold, Galatia
Deegan Riley, Power, Structural and Technical Systems: Mikkie Hearle, Cisne
Judges for this event were:
Rachel Smith, Thompsonville High School, Ag Teacher
Shelia Lueking, DaVita Dialysis, Dietician
Emily Britton, Zeigler-Royalton High School, Science Teacher
Thank you to the agriculture teachers/FFA Advisors for including agriscience fair projects as part of your agriculture course requirements. Congratulations to all students participating.
Casey Bolin
Facilitating Coordination in Ag Education (FCAE)
Phone: 618-780-0230 Cell: 618-780-0230
Email: cbolin@ilaged.org
Address: 301 South Oak Street, P.O. Box 160, Patoka, IL 62875