
Litchfield high school, located in Montgomery County in Section 15, is seeking an Agriculture Education Teacher and FFA advisor for the 2025-2026 school year. The successful candidate will be joining their current agriculture teacher and FFA advisor, Matt Belusko.
Courses to be taught include introduction to agriculture, horticulture, animal science, small engines, and a discovery course (middle school).
Rolling interviews will take place. Position will be open until filled.
Please submit your letter of interest, completed district application, three letters of reference, transcripts, and a print out of licensure from ISBE to Dr. Kelly McClain (Superintendent of Schools).
School Website - https://www.lcusd12.org/
Contact Person |
Dr. Kelly McClain
kmcclain@litchfieldpanthers.org |
-- Allie Bode Facilitating Coordination in Ag Education (FCAE) Phone: 309--97-3-63 Cell: 309-973-6335 Email: abode@ilaged.org Address: