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  Ag Skills Showcase  
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Ag Skills Showcase      

About: All students deserve the opportunity to experience premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. Through this unique event, students are invited to participate in FFA in a way they have never before been able to, by highlighting their skills at their educational level. This event is open to all agricultural education students/FFA members in grades 7-12+ with an emphasis on individuals with an intellectual disability, IEP or 504 Plan.

Format: Students will provide evidence of successfully engaging in agricultural education through one of the pathways or through an FFA related activity. This could be a written document, video, drawing, poster or other item that has been developed. If the student is comfortable in sharing their item with a committee, a 5-8 minute virtual interview will be conducted. All IEP modifications and accommodations will be honored throughout this event.  If a student would like to participate in more than one area, please complete this form for each topic.

Date of Event: Artifacts will be submitted electronically by December 4th, 2024. Optional interviews will be held virtually during the school day, the 13th-17th of January.

Submitting Your Artifacts: Google Forms will be used to gather your information and artifacts. If you are not a Google user, please contact Sean Welch at for other uploading options.

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