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  Illinois FFA Agriscience Fair  
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The Agriscience Fair is held at the State FFA Convention and is open to all FFA members in grades 7 through 12. The Agriculture Science Fair allows students to enter research projects in one of six categories, with each category having six divisions.

Participants will conduct and investigate a scientific research project pertaining to the agriculture and food science industries and present their findings to the judge(s) through a written report and virtual interview to address questions. FFA members may pick from one of the following categories: Animal Systems; Environmental Services / Natural Resource Systems; Food Products and Processing Systems; Plant Systems; Power, Structural and Technical Systems; Social Systems. 

A National FFA Agriculture Science Fair is conducted at the National FFA Convention and Illinois FFA Staff will review materials and declare Illinois FFA’s National entries. If they are selected as one of the Top 10 in their respective category during pre-qualifying national judging, they will be invited to compete at the National FFA AgriScience Fair and grace the stage during the National FFA Convention in the fall.

National FFA Resources      
National FFA has developed a new National FFA Agriscience Fair resource to help in the development of high-quality agriscience fair manuscripts and provide examples from high, middle, and low scoring. This resource is located on the agriscience fair webpage, under Resources.

How To Register      

Students will need to login to, go to "Reports" click on "Degree/Application Manager" and select "Agriscience Fair" from the drop down menu. The following will need to be completed by April 15th: 
1. Cover Page
2. FFA Membership
3. Adult Sponsor Checklist
4. Hazardous Materials 
5. Human Vertebrates
6. Non-Human Vertebrates
7. Abstract/Summary

By May 1st, the Written Report must be uploaded to the application and submitted once again by the teacher. 

Skill Development and Research Funding will only need to be completed by those who will advance as National Finalists after the state competition.

Once students have updated their applications and Save/Printed a new version of the Application, teachers will need to do the following: 

  1. Login and click on “Reports”.
  2. Click on “FFA Awards Degree/Application Manager” in the tan box.
  3. Click on “State Submission Lists & Feedback”.
  4. In the box at the top of the screen, scroll to IL 2022 Agriscience Fair and click. The line will then be highlighted with a dark gray box.
  5. Click on “Browse”, it will open up a screen to add the applications.
  6. Click on the “Add” button to the right of the student name and application.
  7. To check to make sure they are registered, return to the Submission List and you should see the application listed under # Apps on List.

2025 Timeline      

February 1st
Registration opened on AET. See information above regarding how to register.

April 15th
Deadline to enter projects via AET.  See information above regarding how to register.

April 20th
Applications will be reviewed by the fair superintendent to determine agriculture relevance of the project and insure all projects are entered in the proper category and that the project is scientific in nature. Participants/Advisors will be notified of any category changes or concerns.

May 1st
Written reports will be uploaded to the application in AET.  This can be completed when applying by April 15th if the report is ready at that time.  If the written report was not uploaded in the version of the application submitted by the advisor, the advisor will need to upload the newer version. The written report can include photos in the Materials/Methods, Review of Literature, and Results section.

Reports will be shared with reviewers by the second week of May.

May 5-8th
Agriscience Fair Interviews will be held VIRTUALLY on Zoom to determine the remaining 75% of the overall score. Official dress is required for this event. Displays are not utilized. Student team members do not need to be present in the same location for the interview and can each call in from their separate locations. Judging dates and times will be arranged with the participants and their advisors.

June 11th 
National Finalist Plaques & Award Medals will be presented to participants during the 3rd General Session starting at 8:00 a.m.
IL FFA State Convention Information: 
The State Agriscience Awards will be presented at the Bank of Springfield Center, Springfield, IL. Special seating will be reserved for you, your parents, your FFA Advisor(s), and your school administrator(s).    The Convention Hall Secretary will announce when the Agriscience Award winners should assemble backstage. It is important you check with the Courtesy Corps when you arrive at the session so you may be seated in the reserved section and help make the session go smoothly.

11:30 a.m. All National Finalist Candidates are invited to attend the State Awards Luncheon during the IL FFA State Convention.

June 15th
National Entries are due on AET. Students can update their information on their application until this date. Applications need to be completed in entirety and will be reviewed by state staff. 

Once students have updated their applications and Save/Printed a new version of the Application, teachers will need to do the following: 

  1. Login and click on “Reports”.
  2. Click on “FFA Awards Degree/Application Manager” in the tan box.
  3. Click on “State Submission Lists & Feedback”.
  4. In the box at the top of the screen, scroll to IL 2025 Agriscience Fair - for National and click. The line will then be highlighted with a dark gray box.
  5. Click on “Browse”, it will open up a screen to add the applications.
  6. Click on the “Add” button to the right of the student name and application.
  7. To check to make sure they are registered, return to the Submission List and you should see the application listed under # Apps on List.

July 1st
National Finalist Entries due to National FFA Center online. 

Awards & Recognition      
Dependent upon sponsorship, the Illinois FFA Foundation has awarded stipends to members who are selected to represent Illinois at the National FFA Convention.  

National Finalist Candidates will receive a plaque. All participants will receive an award medal. 

Questions? Please reach out to FCAE-LPS State Coordinator, Jennifer Waters ( or Illinois FFA Center Associate Director of Student Recognition, Sean Welch (

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