Search by first name, last name or college name. Also, click Name and/or College Name headers to sort by column. |
Actis, Armando
| College of DuPage |
Glen Ellyn, IL
Agricultural Sciences, SIUC
| Southern Illinois University |
Carbondale, IL
Anderson, Scott
| Highland Community College |
Freeport, IL
Angus, Brad
| Joliet Junior College |
Joliet, IL
Arnold, Amanda
| College of DuPage |
Glen Ellyn, IL
Baker, Andy
| Western Illinois University |
Macomb, IL
Balding, Scott
| Wabash Valley College |
Mt.Carmel, IL
Balestri, Frank
| College of DuPage |
Glen Ellyn, IL
Ball, Anna
| University of Illinois |
Urbana, IL
Barkley, Dyke
| Lake Land College |
Mattoon, IL
Barr, Julie
| Joliet Junior College |
Joliet, IL
Barraclough, Jennifer
| Joliet Junior College |
Joliet, IL
Barrett, Jason
| College of DuPage |
Glen Ellyn, IL
Bartz, David
| Joliet Junior College |
Joliet, IL
Bartz, Martin
| College of DuPage |
Glen Ellyn, IL
Batterman, Corinne
| Joliet Junior College |
Joliet, IL
Beckmier, Craig
| Lincoln Land College |
Springfield, IL
Beeler, Bethany
| John Wood Community College |
Quincy, IL
Beier, Garrett
| McHenry County College |
Crystal Lake, IL
Bishop, Dave
| Heartland Community College |
Normal, IL
Bland, Liz
| Lincoln Land College |
Springfield, IL
Bloomberg, Blake
| Black Hawk College - East Campus |
Galva, IL
Boehne, Audra
| Kishwaukee College |
Malta, IL
Boerngen, Maria
| Illinois State University |
Normal, IL
Boots, Ralph
| Southeastern Illinois College |
Harrisburg, IL
Branz, Alison
| College of Lake County |
Grayslake, IL
Bromberek, Melanie
| College of Lake County |
Grayslake, IL
Brown, Corinne
| Illinois Central College |
East Peoria, IL
Budziak, Chase
| Kishwaukee College |
Malta, IL
Buhrow, Allyn
| Illinois Leadership Council for Agricultural Education (ILCAE) |
Ashton, IL
Burns, Ellen
| Carl Sandburg |
Galesburg, IL
Buss, Miranda
| Heartland Community College |
Normal, IL
Callahan, Aaron
| Black Hawk College - East Campus |
Galva, IL
Campbell, Colin
| Illinois Central College |
East Peoria, IL
Carmien, Hans
| Parkland College |
Champaign, IL
Clark, Brandon
| Richland Community College |
Decatur, IL
Clem, Christopher
| Triton College |
River Grove, IL
Clemens, Joe
| Spoon River College |
Canton, IL
Clement, Brian
| College of DuPage |
Glen Ellyn, IL
Conrady, Elizabeth
| Lincoln Land College |
Springfield, IL
Corrigan, Karen
| Heartland Community College |
Normal, IL
Corrigan, Karen
| Carl Sandburg |
Galesburg, IL
Cotton, Drew
| Black Hawk College - East Campus |
Galva, IL
Cox, Lori
| Southeastern Illinois College |
Harrisburg, IL
Daugherty, Kevin
| Illinois Farm Bureau/Illinois Ag in the Classroom |
, IL
Davenport, Anna
| Shawnee College |
Ullin, IL
Deem, Derek
| Parkland College |
Champaign, IL
Diblik, Roy
| College of DuPage |
Glen Ellyn, IL
Doyel, Sheri
| McHenry County College |
Crystal Lake, IL
Dumas, Jeff
| College of DuPage |
Glen Ellyn, IL
Dunlap, John
| Parkland College |
Champaign, IL
Ebert, Justin
| Highland Community College |
Freeport, IL
Eisenmenger, Nick
| Parkland College |
Champaign, IL
Engel, Mark
| Kishwaukee College |
Malta, IL
Fandel, Pete
| Illinois Central College |
East Peoria, IL
Fandel, Pete
| Illinois Association of Community College Agriculture Instructors (IACCAI) |
, IL
Finn, Selena
| Black Hawk College - East Campus |
Galva, IL
Fitzgerald, Jason
| Southeastern Illinois College |
Harrisburg, IL
Flink, Don
| Kishwaukee College |
Malta, IL
Frantz, Staci
| Parkland College |
Champaign, IL
Froning, Holly
| Kankakee Community College |
Kankakee, IL
Gallagher, Janet
| Kishwaukee College |
Malta, IL
Galle, Jeff
| Illinois College |
Jacksonville, IL
Gardner, Jeff
| Lincoln Land College |
Springfield, IL
Gibbons, Jescelynne
| Kishwaukee College |
Malta, IL
Gimondo, Austin
| College of DuPage |
Glen Ellyn, IL
Graham, Susan
| Southern Illinois University |
Carbondale, IL
Grebner, Grant
| Illinois Central College |
East Peoria, IL
Gregg, Brianna
| University of Illinois |
Urbana, IL
Grice, Jason
| Black Hawk College - East Campus |
Galva, IL
Griffith, Wayne
| John A Logan College |
Carterville, IL
Hamrick, Robert
| College of DuPage |
Glen Ellyn, IL
Harmon, Bill
| Lincoln Land College |
Springfield, IL
Harrison, Shane
| Heartland Community College |
Normal, IL
Heavner, Howard
| Southern Illinois University |
Carbondale, IL
Hedrick, Gordie
| Parkland College |
Champaign, IL
Heinzmann, Aaron
| Kaskaskia College |
Centralia, IL
Heitman, Ryan
| College of DuPage |
Glen Ellyn, IL
Helmers, Kathy
| Rend Lake College |
Ina, IL
Henderson, Todd
| College of DuPage |
Glen Ellyn, IL
Hisson, Donna
| College of DuPage |
Glen Ellyn, IL
Howerton, Haley
| Black Hawk College - East Campus |
Galva, IL
Hubbard, Tim
| Black Hawk College - East Campus |
Galva, IL
Hull, Amy
| College of DuPage |
Glen Ellyn, IL
Hunt, Jennifer
| McHenry County College |
Crystal Lake, IL
Hurley, Sarah
| Parkland College |
Champaign, IL
Husemoller, David
| College of Lake County |
Grayslake, IL
Irish, Rebecca
| Black Hawk College - East Campus |
Galva, IL
Jenner, Mark
| Greenville University |
Greenville, IL
Johnson, Janet
| Black Hawk College - East Campus |
Galva, IL
Johnson, Judith
| College of DuPage |
Glen Ellyn, IL
Jones, Chris
| Southeastern Illinois College |
Harrisburg, IL
Jurgensen, Gregory
| Black Hawk College - East Campus |
Galva, IL
Karch, Adam
| Parkland College |
Champaign, IL
Kauffman, Susan
| Triton College |
River Grove, IL
Kauffman, Susan
| Heartland Community College |
Normal, IL
Kelly, Patrick
| Joliet Junior College |
Joliet, IL
Kepner, Olivia
| Highland Community College |
Freeport, IL
Kessler, Christian
| Lake Land College |
Mattoon, IL
Koenigs, Deanna
| Richland Community College |
Decatur, IL