The State Scoop Podcast
Be part of the podcast! Submit Mindy's mail bag questions, quotes, or questions on our featured topics by clicking here.
Podcast Schedule of Topics:
September: Golden Owl Moment
October: Young Minds, Bright Futures
November: Apples to Oranges (Success on Your Own Terms)
December: CDE's: In or Out of the Classroom?
January: Remembering Your Why
February: Motivational Moment
March: Senior Send Off
April: Managing the Madness Part II
May: Summer Reboot
February: Motivational Moment (S2E6)
Click the title above to access this month's podcast or search Spotify for the State Scoop and look for our logo!
Want to connect with our guests? You can contact Eliza Petry at & Joey Birrittier at
January: Remembering Your Why (S2E5)
Click the title above to access this month's podcast or search Spotify for the State Scoop and look for our logo!
Want to connect with our guests? Ryan Robinson ( & Caseelynn Shimmin (
***Request State Officer
December: CDES In or Out of the Classroom? (S2 E4)
Click the title above to access this month's podcast or search Spotify for the State Scoop and look for our logo!
Want to connect with our guests? Feel free to reach out to Mr. Travis Tarr ( or Jerry Brockett (
State CDE Rules
American Degree Intent
National FFA Scholarships
Submit questions, quotes and feedback here.
November: Apples to Oranges (S2E3)
Click the title above to access this month's podcast or search Spotify for the State Scoop and look for our logo!
Want to connect with our guests? Feel free to reach out to Mrs. Becky Freed ( or Mrs. Lisa Oellerich (
October: Young Minds, Bright Futures (S2E2)
Click the title above to access this month's podcast or search Spotify for the State Scoop and look for our logo!
Want to connect with our guests? Feel free to reach out to Mrs. Meg Baer ( or Jenny Wold (
Illinois Ag in the Classroom
National Ag in the Classroom
Submit questions, quotes and feedback here.
September: Golden Owl Moment (S2E1)
Click the title above to access this month's podcast or search Spotify for the State Scoop and look for our logo!
Want to connect with our guests? Feel free to reach out to Mr. Mark Steber (
Nominate a teacher for the Golden Owl Award!
Submit questions, quotes and feedback here.
May: Work Life Blend
Click the title above to access this month's podcast or search Spotify for the State Scoop and look for our logo!
Want to connect with our guests? Feel free to reach out to Mr. Mike White ( ) or Sara Jane Caise ( ).
April: Countdown to Convention
Click the title above to access this month's podcast or search Spotify for the State Scoop and look for our logo!
Convention Planning:
March: Trying New CDE's- Exploring the Meats CDE
Click the title above to access this month's podcast or search Spotify for the State Scoop and look for our logo!
Want to connect with our guests? Feel free to reach out to Ms. Caroline Downey (
February: Motivational Moments
Click the title above to access this month's podcast or search Spotify for the State Scoop and look for our logo!
Want to connect with our guests? Feel free to reach out to Dave Mouser (
January: National Chapter Award Tips & Tricks
Click the title above to access this month's podcast or search Spotify for the State Scoop and look for our logo!
Want to connect with our guests? Feel free to reach out to Mr. Trent Taber ( )
*Trent's National Chapter Award Resource Folder
*Cambridge's NCA Planning Guide
*Cambridge NCA 2021
*Cambridge NCA 2022
*Cambridge NCA 2023
December: All Things SAE
Click the title above to access this month's podcast or search Spotify for the State Scoop and look for our logo!
Want to connect with our guests? Feel free to reach out to Mrs. Sue Schafer (, Jacob Meisner (, or Harley Painter (
**Farm Game (Jacob's Version)
**Submit questions, jokes, etc. for the next podcast!
Check out our extra bonus pod! Mindy has a conversation with Lizzie Schafer, current college student and former FFA member.
November: Having Hard Conversations
Click the title above to access this month's podcast or search Spotify for the State Scoop and look for our logo!
Want to connect with our guests? Feel free to reach out to Mrs. Donna Page ( at Rochelle or Mr. Tim McDermott ( at Waterloo or Rylan Rusk ( at Richland County
Here is the link to submit any concerns/celebrations to the IAVAT/FFA Board.
What to know who your Board Representatives are? Click here for IAVAT Board and here for FFA Board.
**Submit questions, jokes, etc. for the next podcast!
September: Creating a Positive Classroom Culture
Click the title above to access this month's podcast or search Spotify for the State Scoop and look for our logo!
Want to connect with our guest, Mrs. Kindra Callahan? Her email is and she would be happy to connect!
**Submit questions, jokes, etc. for the next podcast!
**National Convention Schedule
**Illinois Ag Education Calendar
**Chapter Strategic Plan Info
**Class & FFA Rosters